The following are spoiler-free descriptions of all characters present in the game. 

All characters have been given gender-neutral names from around the world, and their backgrounds will make no reference to any specific identity or heritage. You are absolutely free to choose what, if any specific, gender you want to portray your characters as. 

Characters are organised by coterie, then listed in alphabetical order. The coteries are listed in order of social relevance in the eyes of the Ivory Tower. While all Kindred denizens are nominally Camarilla members, how much they play ball and are part of the in-crowd can vary a lot.

Coteries Of Renown

The Courtiers

This coterie represents the elite of the Ivory Tower, the most high-ranking members of the City's Camarilla establishment. These Kindred are the domain’s most powerful coterie. Though they don't often see eye to eye and rarely act in concert, when they do, they can truly move mountains. 

The Courtiers are allied with The Love Disciples and oppose the Crown of Thorns. They have assembled at the salon to oversee the affairs of state and test the worthiness of petitioners and candidates for the embrace. 

Britt, Nosferatu Ghoul, Herald
Britt is the keeper of the domain’s boons, a ghoul of centuries, using an exacting facade to follow a long plan with catastrophic implications. Driven by their need to bring back what they miss most, their last dance is all about trying to unleash who everyone is afraid of. 

Dominique, Ventrue Elder, Prince
Dominique is a stern but caring Prince. They defend tradition and stability, even at the expense of their own wishes or well-being. Forever driven by their sense of duty, their last dance is all about how heavy is the head that wears the crown. 

Endymion, Gangrel Elder, Sheriff
Endymion is of a sad nobility, yet inspiring fear in those who would oppose order. Their life is one of devotion to redeem a soul-crushing guilt.Obsessed with protecting those they have dragged into darkness, their last dance is all about loyalty and the ultimate sacrifice. 

Frances, Toreador Elder, Primogen
Frances is a Kindred of massive influence and privilege, setting the cruel and exacting standard of excellence against which all others are measured. Driven by their desire to find a spark long gone, their last dance is all about trying to make a connection that will be their undoing. 

Gale, Ventrue Ghoul
Gale is a young hopeful, a recently blooded ghoul, new and quite naive to the power games and mendacity of the Kindred, romanticising Kindred existence. Driven by their dream to experience freedom, their last dance is all about a desperate climb before a bottomless fall. 

Harley, Ventrue Ghoul, Seneschal
Harley is a hidebound servant running the administration. They are dignified and diplomatic, yet also judgemental and subtly vengeful. Forever driven by their need to uphold order, their last dance is all about how all they have built will be swept away. 

Meredith, Brujah Elder, Primogen
Meredith has a conflicted relationship with their clan, who consider them an establishment sell-out, but just because they have become a politician their ideals are not gone. Driven by their desire to bring about a sea change, their last dance is all about trying to inspire others to action. 

Nicola, Nosferatu Elder, Primogen
Nicola, a peacock baroque horror, refuses to hide who and what they are, taking pride in a nature others would find foul, letting their devilry take centre stage. Driven by their dream to never be denied again, their last dance is all about trying to make others obey their whims. 

Uaine, Ventrue Ghoul
Uaine is a dangerous populist politician, a recently blooded ghoul. They have quickly taken to the political games and mendacity of the Kindred. Driven by their dream to pursue power over others, their last dance is all about a come-uppance for their ruthless scheming.

Wynne, Tremere Elder, Primogen
Wynne, studious and introspective, guards their many secrets from ambitious upstarts and suspicious loyalists, trying to keep up with many threats. Driven by their desire for ascendance, their last dance is all about trying to make a difference for those they teach and protect.

The Bright Young Things

This coterie is a complex polycule of hyper-competent and very ambitious hotshots who, while totally loyal to the Camarilla, nevertheless make the reigning elite nervous regarding the agenda hidden behind being extremely useful and nigh-indispensable. 

Together, they have a lot of social capital, as they can move among the upper and lower echelons of Kindred society with ease. They can make anything happen, for a price. There are many who already see this coterie as the future rulers of the City. 

The Bright Young Things are allied with Sound and Fury and oppose the Emerald Bacchanal. They have assembled at the salon to be the facilitators of potential embraces, ensuring the debts of many.

Camille, Toreador Ancilla
Camille is the founder and centrepiece of the coterie, a dandy of gluttonous but short-lived passions and exquisite cruelty. Driven by their entitlement and desperate need for excess, their last dance is all about the house of cards they have built unravelling in one big hot mess. 

Kimberly, Tremere Ancilla
Kimberly is one of the original members of the coterie who started their life as a trust-fund socialite seeking freedom in the excesses of the flapper movement. Driven by their need to keep their loved ones close, their last dance is all about conflicted loyalties and deals with the devil. 

Lindsay, Ventrue Ancilla
Lindsay is one of the original members of the coterie who started their life as a captain of industry, relinquishing freedom for familial obligations. Driven by their need to help heal the scars of the past, their last dance is all about the dreadful things we do for love.

Morgan, Brujah Neonate
Morgan is a recent member of the coterie, a legal eagle who started their life as a civil rights lawyer and sold out to become a corporate attorney. Driven by their need to never settle, their last dance is all about the consequences of having too many plates spinning in the air. 

Perrin, Tremere Ghoul
Perrin is a recent member of the coterie, a prosperity gospel televangelist turned ghoul to people they have rallied against in the past. Driven by their need to feel special, their last dance is all about scrambling for an escape from the clutches of the monsters that have chosen them. 

Riley, Ventrue Neonate
Riley is a recent member of the coterie, a life coach turned Masquerade tutor for the inhuman among the Kindred. Driven by their need to not be a third wheel among the dazzling monsters whom they love, their last dance is all about forcing them to pay attention. 

Sevyn, Ventrue Ghoul
Sevyn is a recent member of the coterie, an attention-hungry media pundit enmeshed in dangerous affairs. Driven by their need to always dig deeper and push for reactions, their last dance is all about finding out what it means to confront monsters with uncomfortable questions. 

Tate, Toreador Ghoul
Tate is the servant of the chaotically entangled coterie. They have seen centuries of excess pass and cleaned up every mess, waiting for their chance. Driven by a secret, long-repressed purpose, their last dance is all about the true and dreadful power a caretaker has. 

Sound And Fury

The Kindred who make up the theatre company Sound and Fury, are part performance-art troupe, part harpies' council. Constantly squabbling with each other over personal matters and creative differences, they are surprisingly effective when they come together to hold a mirror up to Kindred society. They get away with an awful lot of very vocal criticism, because they never fail to entertain. Their words cut deep and many have noticed that they possess far too much personal knowledge about the Kindred. 

Rumour has it they have a powerful patron who is using them as a tool for propaganda but they only say that they follow their artistic vision wherever it leads them. No matter who’s behind them, who doesn't put great stock in their opinion is next on their social hit list. 

Sound and Fury are allied with the Bright Young Things and oppose the Red Smile. They have assembled at the salon to present their newest play, a provocative piece that may bring down polite society.

Andel, Toreador Ghoul
Andel is a mysteriously independent ghoul who has seen centuries pass; a charming and conciliatory stage manager and mediator. Driven by their desire to solve a murder most foul, their last dance is all about broken hearts and revenge. 

Ashley, Gangrel Neonate
Ashley is the rising starlet of the troupe, eager to prove an effective harpy. Seeking to step out of the shadows of their rivals, they fight tooth and nail to claim fame. Driven by their desire to come out on top, their last dance is all about burning bright before burning out. 

Blaine, Brujah Ancilla
Blaine is the visionary director of the avant garde theatre company. They are fanatical in the pursuit of their artistic integrity. Driven by their desire to expose the secrets of the elites, their last dance is all about trying to stage the masterpiece that will bring down the house of cards. 

Hayden, Ventrue Ancilla
Hayden is the star performer of the troupe and its most outspoken harpy. The product of another era, they are struggling to remain relevant, even as their talent and allure are fading. Driven by their petty rivalries, their last dance is all about the extreme lengths they will go to.

Jesse, Brujah Ghoul
Jesse is the eternal unpaid intern, their rage building up as they are exploited for their labour by false friends. Driven by their desire to finally become more than they are, their last dance is all about trying to break free by any means necessary.

Joyce, Malkavian Ancilla
Joyce is the (literally) visionary playwright of the coterie. They are always ready to sacrifice anyone and anything for their art and are inimical to compromise. Driven by their desire to make reality itself conform to their dictates, their last dance is all about trying to be a muse of fire. 

Oda, Nosferatu Neonate
Oda is a social chameleon who usually plays the chorus on- and offstage. Having perfected the art of being everyone's friend, they use manipulation for a higher mission. Driven by their knowledge of dangerous truths, their last dance is all about saving who they can. 

Shay, Gangrel Ghoul
Shay, an actor used to conning their way to success, has seen a set of wrong choices lead them to ghoul existence. Driven by their desire to earn freedom by playing several Kindred against each other, their last dance is all about dangerous games with the hearts of monsters. 

Tru, Malkavian Ghoul
Tru is the beleaguered production designer and devoted companion of Joyce. Driven by their desire to find some happiness of their own without having to feel guilty, their last dance is all about frail hopes and bloody consequences. 

The Sacred Architects

Masterminds of the city's increasing gentrification and restructuring, these Kindred control various fraternal lodges and other secret societies in the mortal world, engaging in the mystical arts of geomancy and weaponized city planning. What goal they all work towards no one knows but they are extremely efficient and useful protectors of the Masquerade and respect the Prince’s rule. Their Objectivist philosophies and use of dark arts for self-improvement make them suspicious in the eyes of many. 

The Sacred Architects are allied with The Emerald Bacchanal and oppose the Love Disciples. They have assembled at the salon to warn of their findings and call in favours to protect what they have built.

Evelyn, Tremere Neonate
Evelyn is a long-standing member of the coterie. Once a brilliant psychoanalyst, their life took a dark turn, when therapy revealed the Masquerade. Driven by their need to serve the designs of their obsessed sire, their last dance is all about realising what they have had to do. 

Jordan, Brujah Ghoul
Jordan is a long-standing mortal member of an elite conspiracy used to a life of privilege before becoming a servant of the recently reawakened elder Mackenzie. Driven by their inability to deal with what they have become, their last dance is all about trying to claw their way back to the top. 

Mackenzie, Brujah Elder
Mackenzie is the newest member of the coterie, a relic of a bygone age, recently reawakened from torpor and consumed by bad memories. Driven by the conflicting matters of the heart, their last dance is all about seeking revenge for betrayal or building a future with love. 

Sydney, Tremere Ancilla
Sydney is the former leader of the coterie. Once a dutiful regent, they have been secretly working on a questionable project with far-reaching consequences. Driven by their need to bring back something lost, their last dance is all about letting go of the past or breaking under its burden. 

Valentine, Tremere Ghoul
Valentine is a ghoul and yet the recent leader of the coterie. This supposed Golden Child is a controlling, vain, and self-serving individual, bending the resources at their behest towards their own exaltation. Driven by their need to survive, their last dance is all about deception. 

Coteries Of Infamy

The Crown Of Thorns

The upper class coteries are directly opposed by this voice of the oppressed, a powerful union of like-minded Kindred that is but a thinly disguised Anarch gang, espousing a philosophy of social reform, status-blind justice and redistribution of power. 

The coterie have gone toe to toe with many establishments types, always careful to stay just this side of the Prince's laws, while constantly pushing the boundaries. Rumours abound that the Crown of Thorns must have some sort of long-term agenda they have not yet revealed. 

The Crown of Thorns are allied with The Red Smile and oppose the Courtiers. They have assembled at the salon to condemn the hypocrisy of past era and judge those who would seek to embrace, now.

Chelsea, Brujah Ghoul
Chelsea is a small-time crook who got into the world of the Kindred through the wrong kind of kindness. Many see them only as a baby Anarch, eager to fit in. Driven by desires far deeper and darker, their last dance is all about the consequences of living a double life.

Erin, Gangrel Elder
Erin is the coterie leader, a proud Anarch hiding a dark past. They are fiercely protective of their flock but quite lost concerning their own identity and the way forward. Driven by conflicting loyalties, their last dance is all about taking a stand.

Gene, Malkavian Ghoul
Gene is a quick-witted panhandler seeking to rise to Kindred ranks by championing the destructive cause of their domitor. Driven by a desire to see everything they hate reduced to ashes, their last dance is all about manipulating others into embracing chaos. 

Ira, Malkavian Neonate
Ira is the coterie’s mercurial provocateur, a propagandist of quick and scathing wit, always looking to push people to their limits. Outwardly a staunch Anarch, their ignoble past is coming back to haunt them. Driven by a desire to push forward, their last dance is all about glorious purpose.

Opal, Nosferatu Neonate
Opal is a hacktivist with true convictions, seeking to bring change in ways that many Kindred don’t understand. Driven by a desire to force the Kindred into self-reflection by uncovering their secrets, their last dance is all about finding out just how dangerous the truth can be. 

Peyton, Gangrel Ancilla
Peyton is a hardened veteran who has turned into an aggressive predator, the prodigal son of the coterie, returning from an extended leave. Driven by a bestial desire to dominate that hides their insecurities, their last dance is all about forcing others into picking sides. 

Robin, Brujah Neonate
Robin is a loyal member of the coterie and a staunch Anarch, trying to do good with often questionable methods or outcomes. Driven by a desire to bring change, their last dance is all about starting a fire they have no way of controlling. 

Sasha, Toreador Neonate
Sasha, while an Anarch, is dissatisfied with the realities of the Eternal Struggle and seeks to placate their compatriots’ more violent solutions. Driven by a desire to do the right thing, their last dance is all about trying to keep others safe in the face of violence and injustice. 

The Emerald Bacchanal

Others would call them pimps and pushers, abusers and slavers, but the members of this coterie would describe themselves as purveyors of fine wares and choice vintages. They can get you anything that will get you high and make you forget. Some are disgusted with their offerings, but many will at least discreetly seek their services. They do not care for their reputation. They know that what they deal in will always be in demand. 

The Emerald Bacchanal are allied with The Sacred Architects and oppose the Bright Young Things. They have assembled at the salon to provide blood and pleasure to the guests, seeking to improve their lot with the powerful.

Avery, Ventrue Ancilla
Avery is a founding member, a once gentle soul corrupted, who now plies the dark trade of flesh and blood, catering to the most jaded of Kindred. Driven by their need to drown out their past decisions with present sins, their last dance is all about losing control of their narrative. 

Jocelyn, Toreador Ancilla
Jocelyn is a founding member, a once visionary libertine sunk from low to low who pursues the most forbidden fruit to stave off the unbearable ennui. Driven by their desperate need for stimulation, their last dance is all about the dangerous games they drag others into.

Malatesta, Ventrue Ghoul
Malatesta is mafia nobility, recruited for the role of the dashing, roguish duellist, representing the choleric temperament among the mortal offerings. Driven by their bold aspirations and strong convictions, their last dance is all about daring and defiance.

Page, Nosferatu Ancilla
Page is the coterie’s procurer, brainwashed from an innocent and deeply religious devotee to a merciless hunter of humans. Driven by their need to not be anyone’s tool anymore, their last dance is all about finding a way to get out or go out on their own terms. 

Paris, Toreador Ghoul
Paris is a dissolute being, a sensual and passionate lover who represents the sanguine temperament among the mortal offerings. Driven by their desperate need for connection, their last dance is all about choosing between their coterie and a past they had almost forgotten.

Siofra, Malkavian Ghoul
Siofra is a fae-like, graceful, and manipulative ghoul of many secrets who represents the melancholic temperament among the mortal offerings. Driven by their hatred of the many ways they have been lied to, their last dance is all about seeking power for revenge.

Verlaine, Nosferatu Ghoul
Verlaine is a decadent musician mired in self-destructive debauchery, recruited to represent the phlegmatic temperament among the mortal offerings. Driven by a tragic kind of wisdom, their last dance is all about taking stock of their life and trying to reclaim their dignity.

Zenith, Malkavian Neonate
Zenith is a rather recent addition whose ability to perceive the hidden desires of others have helped them survive and find a new home after being abandoned. Driven by their need for closure, their last dance is all about finding the courage to confront their past. 

The Red Smile

This coterie is a gang of carnies with a warped and wicked sense of humour who haunt the outskirts of the City. They put on disturbing performances which are a mixture of bloody grand-guignol theatre and sexually lurid Punch and Judy shows, drawing crowds which they feed from. 

They are the dregs of society, the lowest of the low and they have never taken part in any proceedings of the court before, though some high-born vampires may remember them as failed experiments of irresponsible young Camarilla Kindred who paid for their mistakes. 

The Red Smile are allied with The Crown of Thorns and oppose Sound and Fury. They have assembled at the salon to make their mark and confront a society that has failed to acknowledge them properly.

Finn, Toreador Ghoul
Finn is perceived by others as being a completely happy and obedient ghoul, subject to a massive case of Stockholm syndrome. Driven by causes that go far beyond anyone’s present understanding, their last dance is all about lost love and reconnection.

Lacrima, Toreador Neonate
Lacrima is consumed by the wish to feel, something they were deprived of as a mortal and which they now binge themself on with gluttony and wavering attention. Driven by their desire to connect, their last dance is all about the relationship choices that come back to haunt them.

Nubes, Brujah Neonate
Nubes unleashes their anger at the world, unable to cope with the trauma that began their unlife. Driven by their desire to dominate situations so they cannot be taken advantage of again, their last dance is all about trying to kick against the pricks.

Oakleigh, Malkavian Ghoul
Oakleigh have lost their authority as the former ring leader of the circus and become a Renfield-like figure as a ghoul. Driven by their dark urges that have been set free through their change, their last dance is all about collecting lives to restore the dream that was cruelly taken from them.

Pudor, Malkavian Neonate
Pudor has turned the trauma of their persecuted youth into a supernatural way to terrify their prey/audience. Driven by their desire to finally break out of the cycle of retribution, their last dance is all about finding out who they are and what they can do. 

Risus, Gangrel Neonate
Risus was once a hooligan troubled about their identity and became the most bloodthirsty hunter of the coterie until a fateful meeting turned their life upside down. Driven by their desire to finally be more than someone’s dog, their last dance is all about finding out who they want to be. 

Teagan, Nosferatu Ghoul
Teagan has escaped into delusions of living in a dark fairytale as heroes and lovers on a mythic quest. Driven by their returning memories, their last dance is all about reclaiming the person they were and fighting back against what they have suffered. 

Timor, Nosferatu Neonate
Timor is the barker and unofficial coterie leader. A bit of an insecure edgelord, they relish the terror they spread. Driven by their self-serving delusions of grandeur, their last dance is all about keeping together the passion project that gives. 

The Love Disciples

Hardly anything is known about this hippiesque and cultish coterie, yet, as they are a fairly recent addition to the domain. They have a great pool of mortal followers and are openly recruiting Kindred members. Rumour has it that they arrived, travelling from another domain far away. 

Kindred would do well to be very careful around them but they seem to have a strangely enticing effect, especially on the young ones, with their message of self-actualization, forgiveness and awakening the inner divinity. For even stranger reasons, these weird Kindred have the Prince's favour. 

The Love Disciples are allied with The Courtiers and oppose The Sacred Architects. They have assembled at the salon to recruit new members and spread the gospel of love in the face of the end times.

Aubrey, Nosferatu Ghoul
Aubrey is a true believer and, though grateful to their domitor, what they truly hunger for is to be accepted by the Great Leader. Driven by the need to prove themselves worthy to two masters, their last dance is all about the dangers inherent in the mixed loyalties they feel. 

Bailey, Malkavian Ghoul
Bailey is a ghoul whose altered state of mind is making them live in a constant state of  religious ecstasy. They are revered as an exemplar of the cult’s teachings. Driven by their desire for a heavenly marriage, their last dance is all about the price of bliss. 

Dylan, Tremere Ghoul
Dylan is a conflicted member whose loyalty to their domitor and dedication to their responsibilities are what’s keeping them tied to something they eye with suspicion. Driven by their need to protect an innocent, their last dance is all about putting themselves in the line of fire. 

Lane, Malkavian Ghoul
Lane is a dabbler in spirituality whom a casual acquaintance brought to a dangerous guru’s obsessed attention. Driven by their disillusioned need to break free, their last dance is all about finding the strength to overcome toxicity and seek true connection. 

Quinn, Nosferatu Ancilla
Valya’s lieutenant and a true believer in the teachings of the Love Disciples coterie, this murderously intense caregiver leads a double life. Driven by their need to comfort those afflicted, their last dance is all about loving until the hurt stops.

Toni, Tremere Neonate
Toni has given everything to pursue their life goals more than once, making them beholden to a clan and a coterie that often push their limits in different directions. Driven by their need to do what is necessary, their last dance is all about the price of conflicting loyalties. 

Valya, Malkavian Elder
The charismatic guru of a hippiesque cult attracting Camarilla dissidents to a more spiritual lifestyle has led many lives and accrued many secret sins. Driven by their desire for a rekindling of their own waning faith, their last dance is all about making love a reality again. 


The Gentry

There are persistent rumours that two ancient Kindred, known only as the Lord and the Lady, have existed in the shadows of the City forever. They are said to hate each other with an all-consuming fiery passion, the last embers of feeling in hearts otherwise dead and cold. 

They are whispered to be the great chess players in the Eternal Struggle, even Elders mere pawns to their unknowable whims. As countless heroes and villains have had their entrances and exits on the stage of Kindred politics, they have remained. They are as timeless as the City itself. Creatures so shrouded in mystique seldom act on their own. 

Both have their messengers, whom they send to do their bidding out in the world. They have extended the invitation to the salon for reasons known only to them.

Cennad, Nosferatu Ancilla
A creature of many masks, Cennad is by turns seen as a terrifying blood witch, a secret keeper, a devoted servant, and even a gentle protector. Driven by their need to right the terrible wrong they have committed, their last dance is all about what things they will do to bring back love.

The Lady, Brujah Methuselah
The Lady is a passionate and vibrant paragon of commitment, a great warrior queen caught in the Eternal Struggle with the Lord. Driven by her need for rapprochement, her last dance is all about finding out if she will choose forgiveness or vengeance. 

The Lord, Ventrue Methuselah
The Lord is a lonely and stern beacon of authority, a builder of civilisations caught in the Eternal Struggle with the Lady. Driven by his need to stand against destruction and chaos, his last dance is all about the consequences of his past sins. 

Nunzio, Malkavian Ancilla
Nunzio is a silver-tongued and imposing manipulator switching between Luciferian accuser and Lokiesque confidante. Driven by their need to accelerate the breakdown, their last dance is all about adding fuel to the fire.

The Orphans

Not everyone has been upholding the laws of the Prince concerning the Embrace. Though most perpetrators have been found and executed or have vanished, never to be seen again, a number of vampires have been created illegitimately over the years. The Prince has often spared the unlives of these unfortunate souls, decreeing that they should not suffer for the sins of their sires.  

But while they were allowed to survive and stay, receiving basic instruction in the necessities of Kindred existence, without a lineage to their name, they have had no chance of currying favour, gaining status or becoming integrated with society. Banding together for protection while eager to seek their own path, they have assembled at the salon to seize their opportunity to finally prove their worth.

Bellamy, Caitiff Neonate
Bellamy was a social worker turned by monsters. Now, they rage against new systems of exploitation as they follow the clues to find their heritage. Driven by their need to make things better, their last dance is all about getting people not to go quietly into that good night. 

Carol, Caitiff Neonate
Carol, a nurse cruelly murdered and turned, they are convinced that only the Camarilla can protect humanity from Kindred ravages. Driven by their need to protect who they love, their last dance is all about finding allies who care and turning them on the monsters who don’t.

Mallory, Caitiff Neonate
Mallory is either an innocent, cast into a dark world, or an old soul exploring the memories of a past life that tie them to some of the darkest secrets of the City. Driven by their wish to solve the mystery of their existence, their last dance is all about finding grace in the gutter. 

Salem, Caitiff Neonate
Salem is an ex-con turned against their will. An embittered outcast, they found an animal instinct to guide them and a talent to affect others in strange ways that opened doors for them. Driven by their urge for survival, their last dance is all about going big or going home.